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Orders received after 9pm PST Tuesday will ship the following week.
Organic Fruit from California Orchard
No Chemicals or Animal by-Products, Non-GMO

Organic Rosemary Sprigs – Fresh Wildcrafted in California – Unwaxed Unsprayed Chemical-Free Veganic Non-GMO

$5.99$49.99 available on subscription

Fresh Organic Rosemary Sprigs (Wildcrafted) shipped direct from Zava Ranch.

  • Nutritious and delicious fresh organic rosemary sprigs
  • Order per ounce or per pound of wildcrafted rosemary from California ranch
  • Wildcrafted fresh rosemary harvested the day you order
  • Shipped directly from our orchard and herb farm
  • Fresh organic rosemary delivered to your home in 3 business days
  • Organic Wildcrafted Rosemary from California is available year-round
  • Please contact us if you are looking to order a wholesale or bulk California wildcrafted organic rosemary leaves delivered

    We don’t use ANY sprays, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, or animal by-products of any kind. Zava Ranch organic rosemary bushes grow in the rich soil of California, warmed by its sunshine and cooled by gentle coastal breezes.


How to Enjoy Fresh Organic Rosemary Sprigs?

Fresh organic rosemary sprigs have many delicious health benefits and many ways to enjoy them and incorporate them into your life.

To prepare wildcrafted rosemary sprigs:

  • Rinse the leaves under cold water to remove any stray dirt or particles.
  • Cut the brownish stems off and use the bright green soft rosemary sprigs as a garnish for savory meat dishes, vegetables, and baked goods.

Here are a few ideas for including more fresh organic rosemary in your diet:

  • Fresh rosemary adds great flavor to slow-cooked meals such as stews, casseroles, lamb dishes, and Italian-style soups. Be sure to chop the green leaves or crush beforehand if you don’t want spiky leaves in your finished meal. Remove the brownish stem and discard.
  • Sprinkle sprigs of fresh rosemary over chicken, beef, or pork dishes. Delicious flavor is added to the meat when slits are made in the meat and rosemary springs inserted prior to cooking.
  • Add fresh rosemary to roasted vegetables while cooking. Chop up rosemary leaves finely, mix with vegetables, garlic, and olive oil.
  • Mix fresh rosemary into butter or olive oil and spread it over bread.
  • Add fresh organic rosemary sprigs to lemonades or cocktails for a refreshing take on classic beverages.
  • Boil fresh organic rosemary leaves with water to make rosemary tea (see instructions below).

How to Make Tea from Fresh Organic Rosemary Sprigs?

Add two-three sprigs fresh organic rosemary leaves in a cup of boiling water, let sit for 3-5 minutes, and enjoy.

Less or more of fresh rosemary can be used as well as shorter or longer steeping time for gentler or stronger flavor.

One teaspoon of fresh rosemary leaves per cup of water is a good starting point. Sweeten with honey or add lemon to taste.

Why Buy Fresh Rosemary Sprigs?

It is completely fine to choose dried versions for the majority of herbs, but most chefs and herbalists would agree that most herbs are better tasting and more effective medicinally when they are fresh.

Depending on the harvesting and drying process, as well as storage time and conditions prior to use, the nutritional and medicinal properties of the herb might be reduced or destroyed.

The essential oils and medicinal components of many herbs are at peak levels when the herb is fresh rather than dried. For many herbalists the freshness of the harvested herbs is critical for their formulas.

Why Buy Organic Rosemary Sprigs?

Organically grown herbs are grown without chemicals and preservatives and are not fumigated or irradiated.

Zava Ranch fresh organic rosemary is wildcrafted, which means that it grows naturally on our property and we harvest it using sustainable and ethical practices.

Why Buy Wildcrafted Rosemary Sprigs?

Wildcrafted” rosemary goes a step beyond organic. Organic herbs, even when “Certified Organic” are often still sprayed with various chemicals that have been approved for organic use. Wildcrafted herbs grow naturally with no assistance from humans.

According to Wikipedia, wildcrafting (also known as foraging or wild harvesting) is the practice of harvesting plants from their natural, or ‘wild’ habitat, primarily for food or medicinal purposes. It applies to uncultivated plants wherever they may be found, and is not necessarily limited to wilderness areas.

Wildcrafting is harvesting intentionally and carefully, leaving enough of the mother plant to ensure sustainability and to protect endangered species. In essence, these non-cultivated plants (wild harvest herbs) are naturally organic.

Proven Health Benefits of Fresh Organic Rosemary Herb:

Rosemary packs a punch of endorphins-stimulating chemicals and contains active compounds such as triterprenes and phenolic acids, including rosmarininc acid, carnosic asid, rosmanol, carnosol, ursolic acid, and betulinic acide.

These compounds stimulate blood flow, enhancing oxygen delivery to your brain and muscles and boosting energy.

Rosemary is one of the primary herbs well-known for improving memory and sharpening the mind.

  • Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry Journal publications have shown that the carnosic and rosmarinic acids in rosemary plants have powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.1
  • Phytotherapy Research Journal published a study that demonstrated that rosemary and its constituents including carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid, and carnosol have a lot of benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial, antiviral, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective activities.2
  • Journal of Biomedical Science states that Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary) is constituted by bioactive molecules,
    the phytocompounds, responsible for implement several pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiproliferative, antitumor and protective, inhibitory and attenuating activities. Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of R. officinalis L. on some physiological disorders caused by biochemical, chemical or biological agents have been observed.3
  • The American Journal of Chinese Medicine published pharmacological research which showed that rosemary extract and its phenolic constituents, especially carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid, and carnosol, could significantly improve diabetes mellitus by regulating glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, anti-inflammation, and anti-oxidation, exhibiting extremely high research value.((Bao TQ, Li Y, Qu C, Zheng ZG, Yang H, Li P. Antidiabetic Effects and Mechanisms of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and its Phenolic Components. Am J Chin Med. 2020;48(6):1353-1368. doi: 10.1142/S0192415X20500664. PMID: 33016104.)) In addition, Brock University’s researchers have discovered that rosemary extract increases the transport of glucose into muscle cells, working much like drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes.4
  • International Journal of Nutrition describes several in vivo studies have shown that rosemary administration has a positive impact on gastrointestinal (GI) health through decreased oxidative stress and inflammation in the GI tract.((Veenstra JP, Johnson JJ. Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus): Health-promoting benefits and food preservative properties. Int J Nutr. 2021;6(4):1-10. Epub 2021 Jun 24. PMID: 34651071; PMCID: PMC8513767.))
  • Journal of Cellular Physiology reports that rosemary and its main components have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and lipid-lowering properties. The review has focused on in vivo and in vitro studies on the hypolipidemic effects of rosemary and its main constituents as well as their functional mechanisms. Studies have described lipid-scavenging activities of rosemary through its flavonoid contents. Modulating inflammation and oxidative stress have been described as possible mechanisms by which rosemary ameliorates dyslipidemia.5
  • Studies have found that carnosic acid in rosemary can potentially slow the growth of cancer cells in the body and even lower the risk of developing tumors.
  • In a randomized trial conducted on university students, rosemary was found to improve the students’ sleep quality and lower their anxiety levels when compared with a placebo.
  • The phytochemicals in rosemary may help to improve eye health, regulate liver function, and lower the risk of asthma.
  • Consuming rosemary regularly can potentially help lower the risk of infection and help the immune system fight any infections that do occur.
  1. Peng CH, Su JD, Chyau CC, Sung TY, Ho SS, Peng CC, Peng RY. Supercritical fluid extracts of rosemary leaves exhibit potent anti-inflammation and anti-tumor effects. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2007 Sep;71(9):2223-32. doi: 10.1271/bbb.70199. Epub 2007 Sep 7. PMID: 17827696. []
  2. Alavi MS, Fanoudi S, Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar M, Mehri S, Hosseinzadeh H. An updated review of protective effects of rosemary and its active constituents against natural and chemical toxicities. Phytother Res. 2021 Mar;35(3):1313-1328. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6894. Epub 2020 Oct 12. PMID: 33044022. []
  3. de Oliveira JR, Camargo SEA, de Oliveira LD. Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary) as therapeutic and prophylactic agent. J Biomed Sci. 2019 Jan 9;26(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s12929-019-0499-8. PMID: 30621719; PMCID: PMC6325740. []
  4. Madina Naimi, Theodoros Tsakiridis, Theocharis C. Stamatatos, Dimitris I. Alexandropoulos, and Evangelia Tsiani. Increased skeletal muscle glucose uptake by rosemary extract through AMPK activation. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 40(4): 407-413. []
  5. Farkhondeh T, Samarghandian S, Pourbagher-Shahri AM. Hypolipidemic effects of Rosmarinus officinalis L. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Jan 29. doi: 10.1002/jcp.28221. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 30693502. []

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.75 × 4.5 × 11.25 in

~1oz (30g), ~4oz (120g), ~16oz (1lb/450g)